Of course, these sources, being Japanese, pertain solely to the Japanese Phantasy Star Universe, and as such, they are not necessarily compatible with the English Phantasy Star Universe. However, I have taken the Japanese Phantasy Star Universe dates and adapted them to Maxx and I's paradigm of the English Phantasy Star Universe, Phantasy Star Ultimate.
First, before listing the birthdates themselves, I will address what alterations were required to make the Japanese Phantasy Star Universe dates compatible with the English Phantasy Star Universe, and Phantasy Star Ultimate.
Phantasy Star I:
Within its art galleries, Phantasy Star Collection for the Japanese Sega Saturn contains pictures of Alis, Odin, Noah, and Nero with Japanese text in small, caption-like print near the bottom of the pictures. The text appears to be a character profile, for it contains, in English, the characters' ages and birthdates on the Japanese Phantasy Star Universe AW calendar. In order to obtain my birthdates for the PSI characters, I have adopted the Japanese birthdays listed on these images and adjusted the year so that the character would be of the age listed on the images during my AW year for English PSI (AW 286). Please note that I theorize that the AW calendar was introduced to Algo by Mother Brain, meaning PSI predates its arrival and use by centuries. However, for completeness' sake, I have included the PSI characters' birthdates on the AW calendar herein.
Phantasy Star II:
Phantasy Star Official Production Compendium lists the birthdates for seven of the eight PSII PCs (Anna is the sole exception). I have adopted these Japanese birthdays and, based on the character's age at the time of the game, have obtained the year of birth on the AW calendar, subtracting backwards from Phantasy Star Ultimate's AW date for PSII (AW 1286).
Phantasy Star III:
Within its art galleries, Phantasy Star Collection for the Japanese Sega Saturn contains pictures of Rhys, Lyle, Lena, and Maia with Japanese text in small, caption-like print near the bottom of the pictures. The text appears to be a character profile, for it contains, in English, the characters' ages and birthdates. These images do not, however, contain year of birth, so, taking into account the Phantasy Star Ultimate AW date for the first generation of PSIII (AW 2293), I have added years of birth to coordinate with the ages given in Phantasy Star Collection.
Further, The Unofficial Phantasy Star III Character Book contains birthdays (again, with no year) and ages for thirteen more PSIII characters. I have adopted these birthdays and have used the ages listed to pinpoint an AW year of birth -- except where the age listed for the character in the Japanese book directly contradicted the text of English PSIII, in which case I, of course, used the age given in English PSIII.
Phantasy Star IV:
Sadly, I have yet to find a Japanese or English Phantasy Star source which contains birthdates for the PSIV characters. I have pinpointed years of birth for the PSIV characters based on the ages given in English PSIV, but this is all the information we possess at this time.
Final Notes:
For information as to the translation of dates on the AW calendar to dates on the Space Century (SC) calendar and to dates on Earth's Gregorian calendar, please see the Phantasy Star Ultimate Timeline Companion.
Note that I have inserted the names of the month into the AW calendar's dates, though this is not how the dates were listed in the Japanese Phantasy Star Universe source texts. However, not a single numerically-listed AW date contradicts the use of the Earth month names in Algo's AW calendar, and a line from PSII, in fact, supports the Earth names' use in Algo daily life ("The last rescue ship leaves on August 11th. Don't miss it!" --old newspaper in Skure).
In the Gregorian calendar column in the following tables, I list only the character's year of birth. This is done in an effort to avoid redundancy, as the month and day of birth on the Gregorian calendar are exactly the same as the month and day of the character's birth on the AW calendar.
Phantasy Star I | ||||
Name | SC Calendar | AW Calendar | Gregorian Calendar | Age (at time of game) |
Alis Landale | SC 341.85 5.25 | May 25, AW 271 | 2357 | 15 |
Odin | SC 341.72 2.26 | February 26, AW 258 | 2344 | 28 |
Noah | SC 341.73 3.24 | March 24, AW 259 | 2345 | 27 |
Nero Landale | SC 341.81 10.23 | October 23, AW 267 | 2353 | 18 |
Phantasy Star II | ||||
Name | SC Calendar | AW Calendar | Gregorian Calendar | Age (at time of game) |
Rolf | SC 351.79 9.17 | September 17, AW 1265 | 3351 | 20 |
Nei | SC 351.99 8.30 | August 30, AW 1285 | 3371 | 1 |
Rudo Steiner | SC 351.65 7.1 | July 1, AW 1251 | 3337 | 34 |
Amy Sage | SC 351.77 4.26 | April 26, AW 1263 | 3349 | 23 |
Hugh Thompson | SC 351.81 6.14 | June 14, AW 1266 | 3353 | 19 |
Josh Kain | SC 351.79 12.9 | December 9, AW 1265 | 3351 | 20 |
Shir Gold | SC 351.79 4.1 | April 1, AW 1265 | 3351 | 21 |
Phantasy Star III | ||||
First Generation Characters | ||||
Name | SC Calendar | AW Calendar | Gregorian Calendar | Age (at time of game) |
Rhys | SC 361.88 9.29 | September 29, AW 2274 | 4360 | 18 |
Lyle | SC 361.86 9.9 | September 9, AW 2272 | 4358 | 20 |
Lena | SC 361.89 11.29 | November 29, AW 2275 | 4361 | 17 |
Maia | SC 361.90 7.1 | July 1, AW 2276 | 4362 | 16 |
Second Generation Characters | ||||
Ayn | SC 362.12 11.10 | November 10, AW 2298 | 4384 | 15 |
Thea | SC 362.12 8.8 | August 8, AW 2298 | 4384 | 15 |
Sari | SC 362.12 3.30 | March 30, AW 2298 | 4384 | 15 |
Nial | SC 362.09 5.8 | May 8, AW 2295 | 4381 | 18 |
Laya | SC 351.92 4.1 | April 1, AW 1278 | 3364 | 1035 (appears 15) |
Ryan | SC 361.92 8.22 | August 22, AW 2278 | 4364 | 35 |
Alair | SC 351.88 6.13 | June 13, AW 1274 | 3360 | 1038 (appears 19) |
Lune | SC 351.83 12.14 | December 14, AW 1269 | 3360 | 1043 (appears 24) |
Third Generation Characters | ||||
Aron | SC 362.30 2.22 | February 22, AW 2316 | 4402 | 17 |
Adan and Gwyn | SC 362.31 11.6 | November 6, AW 2317 | 4403 | 16 |
Crys | SC 362.27 5.12 | May 12, AW 2313 | 4399 | 20 |
Sean | SC 362.28 5.27 | May 27, AW 2314 | 4400 | 19 |
Kara | SC 362.30 1.7 | January 7, AW 2316 | 4402 | 17 |
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![]() Oh, my Lady Alis, we did it! We REALLY did it! |
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Please send all comments and feedback to mike at ripplinger dot us |