The PSO Immersion Site, part of Sega's Official Phantasy Star Online page, contains a lot of interesting, albeit trivial, information concerning Ragol. I've collected some of that information here, along with my thoughts on it.

Ragol's Star System

The probes that searched for a new planet scanned five planets in Ragol's star system prior to scanning Ragol itself. The probes found each of the other five planets had statistics as listed below. Ragol was the last planet in the system that was scanned. The probe declared Ragol "Optimal" and found its statistics to be the following:

Ragol's statistics
Atmosphere: 100%
Water: 78%
Land: 28%
Resources: Hydrogen, Oxygen, Nitrogen, Carbon
Minerals: All
The system's other five planets
Atmosphere: 14%
Water: N/A
Land: N/A
Resources: Hydrogen
Minerals: N/A

Thus, Ragol is the only inhabitable planet in its system, and the other planets in its system are all remarkably similar. Also of note, the probe listed Ragol as being in the Rris Sector with the following coordinates: X-6789, Y-4322, Z-8954.

Ragol's Geography

The Cartographer's Index of Ragol contained surface surveys undertaken by mapping team 017, under the command of Lieutenant Christopher O. They gathered the following information:

Game description Map Number Cartographer's name for area Surveyed Cartographer's description
Caves 2 Waterfall 555-AF01 Subteraenean waterway A490@902 Beats Metamorphic rock, active waterway
Caves 3 Hallway 591-AF21 Subterraenean passage A483@670 Beat Igneous rock
Caves 1 Room 522-GF13 Unstable volcanic chamber A487@563 Beats Igneous rock, lava flow
Forest 1 511-OP40 Low hills with exposed springs A420@721 Beats Floral cover, arboreal growth, active waterway
Lava-split Caves 1 Room 515-OP05 Semi-stable volcanic chamber A489@717 Beats Metamorphic rock fissure, lava flow
Forest 1 544-EG12 Low hills with exposed springs A499@630 Beats Floral cover, arboreal growth, sedimentary rock
Central Dome 579-IP33 South-Eastern indent of Central Dome A420@943 Beats Floral cover over basaltic and igneous rock
Forest 2 575-IP28 North-Eastern corner of Central Dome A420@952 Beats Floral cover over basaltic and igneous rock

The most interesting information to come out of this section is the survey dates. Apparently, Beat time is used on Ragol, and the A4XX part looks to be some kind of dating mechanism. Perhaps this is the way individual days are listed in the AUW calendar in use on Ragol?

Ragol Ecological Survey

The following notes on the native life forms come from "survey A608 crew of Pioneer 1," under the command of Captain Rixem Neoss.

Bumma [sic] (howardus scotsii)
One of three species of clawed bipeds, easily provoked to aggression.
Evil Shark (unclassified)
Little is known about this strange hybrid. Very aggressive.
Grass Assassin (cukrik ventus)
A vicious insect predator with a powerful paralytic sting
Hildebear (tarlini fergunii)
Massive biped. Exhibits many aggressive behaviors including a tremendous vertical leap.
Lag Rappy [sic] (adlelphy pheppii)
Non-flying avian creatures formerly known for their docile natures, but recently aggressive.
Mosmanta [sic] (cukrik tormantus)
Blood-sucking airborne native insects. Cannot live far from Mosnesta [sic].
Mosnesta [sic] (cukrik tormantus)
A gestating insect that births fearsome swarms of flying Mosmanta [sic].
Nano Dragon (visigor lesserii)
A minor dragon that inhabits the planet. Quick and smarter than it appears.
Puffy Slime [sic] (gerantum stelii)
Sulfurous massive member of the slug family. Beware its vertical posture as this signals attack.
Poison Lily (skizerkin mugaii)
Carnivorous flora with poisonous projectile excretions
Pan Arms (humorous multis)
A symbiotic pair of organisms with violent natures. When threatened the pair join to become one deadly creature.

In this section, the various name mis-spellings are interesting, as are the Latin-like (Palmalatin?) classifications of the monsters, but the part I find most intriguing is that Boomas are listed as "easily provoked to aggression." This would seem to go against what Rico says, "What made the animals become so violent all of a sudden? They weren't before. They were very quiet and friendly..." Note that the survey notes do indicate that Rappies were formerly docile, but Rico refers to animals in the plural. Makes you wonder what kind of survey these ecologists were performing! (And why were the animals studied on an ecological survey anyway... shouldn't their study have been left up to a biological survey team?)